Just a casual gay Newgrounds lover💕
18 - Taurus - Ace - Trans-Man (He/Him/His)
Editor and Gamer

Henry @Tonuisgay


Full-Time Student

United Kingdom

Joined on 6/5/22

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Tonuisgay's News

Posted by Tonuisgay - 2 weeks ago

Hii chickenss! I hope everyone had a great Piconjo Day! I enjoyed watching Piconjo Jam 2024 (Amazing work as always ya'll<3)

Anyway, i just wanted to let you know that today is my final day at College before i go to University in September! Im quite excited for it all to be over, but im also sad because this was the best 2 years of my life. I met so many new people, i learnt to love myself and most of all... i found love in someone else (you know who you are babe<3).

Im just so f*cking excited to be done and to expand my studies into Medical Sciences; its always been my dream to work in medicine and ive f*cking made it happen!

I know that none of my classmates would ever see this (none of em are NG bandits like me 😭), but i hope that they go on to succeed and that i believe in them<3

Take care chickens<33


Posted by Tonuisgay - 3 weeks ago

Woke up this morning and found out that Piconjo followed me. I am flattered honestly.

A little story time for you guys;

I've been a major newgrounds fan for most of my childhood. My earliest memory being 8 years old, drawing Pico on a piece of paper in a hospital bed (as my father does art and one of his major art inspirations online was Newgrounds). My dad was also the one who introduced me and my brothers to a few newgrounds games as a kid (mainly games like Alien Hominid, Castle Crashers and Battle Block Theatre as those were the games that were available to us as we mainly played on Xbox 360s growing up - plus my dad knew that these games weren't too inappropriate to introduce to his kids LOL).

So obviously growing up on Newgrounds, through primary and secondary school, and being familiar with a good majority of the Newgrounds characters (as my dad slowly introduced me to the main platform in 2017 - you may have noticed that my account was set up in 2022, as I used to play without creating an account... LIKE A DOOF). I saw Piconjo pop up frequently and I was quite amused by the character, and especially in 2020-2021 (FNF Era b*tches), after I became aware of what Pico's character consisted of (again keep in mind I was around 12-13 at the time that I discovered Piconjo's Newgrounds account in 2017, along with being in secondary school. So my dad refused to show me Pico's School as it would make my already stressed brain all the more stressed than it already was - responsible father I know right? so I barely knew anything about Piconjo and Pico).

Flashforward to 2021, and Friday Night Funkin' blew up like a house on fire (still fire, one of the best games I've played in a while) and I finally got to play Pico's School. I was just about to turn 15, so my dad believed that I was mature enough to play it (yes, he did warn me about the topics before hand - responsible father pt2). After I played the Pico games, that's when I discovered the true Piconjo lore and immediately fell even more in love with Newgrounds as a whole as they have all kinds of stories and characters that feel like fully fleshed out people (if you could put it that way).

Flashforward to today in 2024, and I got followed by the OG Piconjo account. It may not seem like a huge deal to most people, but its honestly one of the best things I had the fortune of seeing today - I'm not feeling all too well as I have a water infection (I have with CKD3 so its a common occurrence, ill be fine in like a week or so)

But yeah! Just thought to share this with you, in the hopes of Piconjo seeing this LOL


Bye chickens<3



Posted by Tonuisgay - May 21st, 2024

Okay so I fucking ran off to the bathroom cuz im so bored and i dont wanna be around everyone right now - giving me headaches with their chaos. Still not as bad as it was in Secondary School though, so i cant complain too much.

Oh yeah, took a mirror selfie cuz i felt like it💀


Blurred slightly, for obvious reasons. HEHE FACE REVEAL FOR NOBODYYY✨️✨️

Okay bai little chickens💀

Posted by Tonuisgay - May 21st, 2024

As i am writing this, i am currently in 4th period in College💀

Im in Physics Class and theres nothing to do, so i got bored and decided it would be a good idea to write a news post on here😂

Anyway heres a picture of my Newgrounds Drip:


Picture of my Pico bracelet, that was made by my one of my friends back in 2021 - yes i still wear it, and what? Its cute💀

Im almost done with College all together guys, one month left at college and i am OFF TO UNIVERSITY IN SEPTEMBER!✨️

Anyway Bye Byee✨️

Posted by Tonuisgay - May 20th, 2024

Got my first fan, and its my fucking boyfriend XDD

Love you babeee XD